Karma Therapeutics is a startup in Massachusetts looking to revolutionize a budding industry with a strong focus on community embedded in its business model.
Creosphere was called in to build a collaboration software stack overt the weekend to help get their new team on the same page.
We built up this system on a Sunday and had it live for Monday morning!
Work needed to be happening yesterday, so we didn't want any tools that would require a complex training/on-boarding process.
We landed on a password protected Squarespace site as a central hub for developing and serving as a “front page.” This made it easy for us to give them access to the different spaces we’d use for collaboration.
We also used the blog feature to serve as an internal wiki. On the home page is the only “featured” article, which is an on boarding article called “READ ME FIRST” making
Use the @everyone tag sparingly
We used Discord to create a virtual office space and start pulling apart priorities in important, departmental discussion threads.
This is a great tool for business start up environments. Like Slack, you can create permission based discussion threads and keep relevant
The ability to quickly whip up bots that funnel alerts and reports can automate out a lot of annoying steps and keep @everyone on the same page.
Airtable was used to organize issues and projects for the management to utilize. Its a very flexible relational database tool that is very user friendly and plays well with Zapier for integrations.
If you' are looking for help trying to get everyone on the same page reach out to Creosphere.net