After a blurry 2018, we’re kicking off our not-for-profit, side project, CEMI (the Creosphere Experiential Media Initiative) at our location in Pawtucket, RI.
CEMI is an experimental group focused on inspiring and enabling anyone to make incredible experiences for themselves and their communities.
We have a small studio, about 500 square feet, more long than wide.
The Front Door
Stuff happens here.
Its kind of a mess.
However, this past weekend some close friends and family helped us make the space a lot more useful.
Cables are hung on slat wall.
Storage items are being moved to the front, while the back, larger area is going to focus on a modular work-space.
We have several shelves on wheels that serve different purposes. Everything is plugged into a surge protector and can be easily setup and used anywhere in the space. We will have mobile shelves for:
Tools and Hardware
Jam Shelf
Streaming, Video and Lighting
Progress Pics
Goals and Next Steps
Setup the August Lock for Member Bluetooth Access
Finish building the work shelves
Finish sorting the epic cable bin
Wrap up storage
Install cameras and lighting for security, streaming and video
Rig the space for easy connection to the sound system
Rig the video shelf for easy connecting to projectors.
Sell, Donate, Recycle, trash all items we can’t use